
Unity is Power

     After class this afternoon we Central South University teachers had a meeting.
First, we discussed and reached an agreement on working in pairs scanning all the good books our instructors generously lent us to read, for in this way we can do it much faster.
Our monitor is very kind and helpful, he patiently taught us how to download and use the scanner.
Then, after another short discussion, we decided to have a meeting after class each remaining afternoon to share with each other what we have learned from class observation during the past month, for we observed different teachers, or different classes of the same teachers and we don’t want to miss any useful teaching technique.
The meeting lasted about one hour and a half. Everybody took an active part in the free talk. And everybody listened attentively and took notes. At the end of the today’s meeting, we all felt very happy and satisfied because we found the sharing very rewarding.
Once again, it is proved that unity is power.

1 条评论:

  1. We remain impressed by how very well you work together, and how well you all seem to get along with each other.
