
A Shopping Trip to Clinton Crossing Outlet Mall

        Thanks to the efforts of Morse College Activities organizers, this afternoon we took a free trip to Clinton Crossing Outlet Mall.
Free buses left from PWG at 1:00, 3:00, and 5:00 pm, and they returned from the mall at 2:30, 4:00, and 7:00 pm. 
Most students took the 1:00 bus to the Mall and returned by the 7:00 bus. We are all crazy shoppers!
The organizers are very responsible and consderate. On the way to the Mall, they got us to write down our names and cell phone numbers on a piece of paper. And before the bus left the Mall as scheduled, they had us sign our names to make sure nobody was left behind.
Unexpectedly, not everybody was punctual. About 7:10 pm, one of the two activitity organizers, a black girl, asked us to pass on the sheets of paper on which we wrote down our names and phone numbers and sign our names. Several minutes later, the other organizer, a white boy, thanked us for our patient waiting and told us that three students were not back yet, and we had to wait for them. He also told us that we needn’t worry about supper, for Pizza was already made for us. Tired and hungry, we all cheered at the news.
At about 5:25 pm, I saw through the window two students hurrying to the bus behind us. And then I saw the boy organizer ran to the Mall. We waited and waited, getting very uncomfortable, for it was hot in the bus without air conditioner. About 15 minutes later, the boy organizer ran back alone. Getting onto our bus, he told us that it was really difficult to find out whether the missing student was in the Mall or back on Yale campus. Then he told the bus driver that we could go back to the school.
It turned out that the boy organizer had been searchinng for the supposedly missing student all over the Mall who actually had already returned to the university!
Soon we arrived in the school. We were served not only Pizza but also salad. And it was the organizers who had it prepared for us.
        We were all satisfied and grateful to the Morse activities organizers!

